How to Easily and Quickly Gain Weight

How to Quickly and Easily Gain Weight


Many beginners at the gym put in a lot of hard work, workout 7 days a week, 365 days a year but still don't get the results they desire. They feel stronger and more confident but the body is still the same or has improved very minimally as compared to the efforts put in. If you are skinny and don't put on weight no matter how much you eat, this article is for you! Use the information with caution, cause you are on your way to making some serious gains very rapidly. 

This article is not about some secret method, shortcut or a magic carpet to Gainsville. It is not designed for those trying to lose weight. It is not for the faint of heart or soul. 

What this article is, It is for those skinny lads who want to gain weight, see their efforts in the gym being paid in full by the god of gains and make consistent progress until they reach their estimated weight goal. This is a no nonsense approach to gaining healthy weight fast and keeping all of that muscle you have been working so hard for. This plan will help you gain muscle mass (healthy weight) while staying lean and keeping that core as shredded as ever. 

Before we begin, lets address the great white elephant in the room, "Why should you consider following what I am telling you ?" Its a genuine question and it warrants an answer. 
I am Utsav, 24 years old, I have been weightlifting (or as I like to call it, 'training') for 1 year and 6 months (approx) and I have been on a permanent lean bulk during this time. Ill talk more about what bulking and cutting is later on. 
After returning home from college (around 2017), where mental gains were made a plenty but physically I still looked like I was in school. This irked me, I had to make a change and wanted to build my body. I weighed 62 kg, this was not acceptable to me. I had tried gaining weight previously adn failed because I didn't have a plan nor did I do the process with dedication. This time, I told myself,  it will be different! I was a man with a plan. And I am going to share this plan with you, but lets fast forward to early 2019, I weighed 74 kg (morning weight; yes you heard it right, there is a time associated with the weigh-in and it is super important!). 
In just 400 odd days, with very little hardwork and a lot of smartwork, I had gained 12 kg of lean muscle, all the skinny lads reading this can share in my joy and believe that all these gains could be your's if you follow the plan. 

Shall we begin? I wont tease anymore, lets's dive in!
If you've made it this far into the blog, I know a fire burns deep within you, to sculpt yourself! To get bigger and attract better! 
This is a 12-week meal plan and supplementation program to gain some serious mass. No mass gainers or any such false nutrition.  We are trying to create something permanent, that will be with us till the day we pass on from this world to the next. 

Firstly, we need a metric to base the plan off of, this bio-metric will be your Body Mass Index or BMI, I'm sure if you are into fitness you've probably heard about this and if you haven't, no big deal, almost all gyms have the ability to calculate you BMI. Avoid using an online BMI calculator for the sake of accuracy. 

Great, we have a starting point. The BMI tells us a couple of interesting things, body fat percent, muscle mass and muscle to fat ratio. It also gives us information about the amount of food (calories) we need to consume to maintain the current weight (maintenance calories). This is what we need! Don't get confused, I will be using food and calories interchangeably cause it is one and the same. 
Now, we have our maintenance calorie information, this is the bare amount of calories that we have to consume, just to maintain our current weight! That's awesome, but we are here to pack on muscle mass not continue to be the same, skinny, lanky, vine-line human. We want to be as resolute as a tree trunk! For this we must eat more calories than our maintenance, this is called a calorie surplus (more food than what is required to maintain the current weight). 

The next logical question, "How to create a meal plan and supplementation that is quick and easy?",  simple I have built one for you, an average indian male has a maintenance calorie goal of 2200 calories. Keeping this in mind, I have developed a 3000 calorie meal plan that is very easy to prepare and eat, do not skip any meal for the next 12 weeks! Buckle up, let's break it down meal by meal :
  1. Breakfast (1030 calories)
    •  200g quaker oats + 10 reisins/kishmish + 5 walnuts
    • 3 boiled eggs
    • 1 liter water  

  1. Lunch (600 calories)
    •  150g brown rice
    • 200g chicken breast
    • 100g mashed potato

  1. Pre-Workout meal (560 calories)
    • 100g quaker oats
    • 2 boiled eggs
    • 1 cup black coffee (2 tbsp nescafe)

  1. Post-Workout meal (630 calories) 
    • 5g creatine monohydrate (available on amazon, flipkart etc)
    • 8 boiled eggs
  1. Dinner (600 calories)
    • 150g brown rice
    • 200g chicken breast
    • 100g mashed potato
    • Green tea (lipton teabags)

This is the no nonsense serious meal plan for those skinny warriors looking to gain some powerful real weight. Please consult a physician before taking creatine and ensure you are having a liter of water after each and every meal, don't chug the water, sip it! Yes it matters, this will be addressed in another article.

So there you have it, follow the plan for the next 12 weeks i.e 84 days (just 84 days!), hit the gym hard & strong everyday. I assure you, growth is imminent!  You will pack on lean muscle and have energy levels of a champion athlete.

For any queries reach me at, ill get back to you ASAP!

Our actions in this lifetime, echo across eternity!



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